Morse code is a character encoding scheme used in telecommunication that encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations called dots and dashes or dits and dahs. Morse code is named for Samuel F. B. Morse, an inventor of the telegraph. The International Morse Code encodes the ISO basic Latin alphabet, some extra Latin letters, the Arabic numerals and a small set of punctuation and procedural signals.
A | ·- | B | -··· | C | -·-· | D | -·· |
E | · | F | ··-· | G | --· | H | ···· |
I | ·· | J | ·--- | K | -·- | L | ·-·· |
M | -- | N | -· | O | --- | P | ·--· |
Q | --·- | R | ·-· | S | ··· | T | - |
U | ··- | V | ···- | W | ·-- | X | -··- |
Y | -·-- | Z | --·· |
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